Released for T-Mobile, the Samsung SGH-T319 makes a big impression in compact size. As the successor to the SGH-T309, the SGH-T319 boasts a digital camera with 4x digital zoom, internal and external LCDs, and an external hands-free speakerphone. Consumers can stay in touch with friends and family through AOL and Yahoo! Instant Messenger, or text, picture, or video messages. Using T-Zones to customize the SGH-T319, with HiFi Ringers, MegaTones, and wallpapers, users can make sure the SGH-T319 matches their personality.
Integrated camera with 4x digital zoom
Built-in speakerphone lets users put down the phone and keep talking
Domestic tri-band (850/1800/1900 MHz) for use with any part of the T-Mobile USA network that uses one of the three frequencies
AOL, Yahoo!, and ICQ Instant Messenger programs to send and receive instant messages while on the road
External caller ID to see who’s calling before opening the phone
Calendar keeps track of appointments and even set reminders to make sure meetings are on time
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