Released for Verizon Wireless, the Samsung Knack has a 2.2-inch internal screen with large text and number fonts, a simplified user interface and messaging. The large keypad with tactile contrast lets users dial easily. The Knack comes with dedicated keys for Emergency 911 (E911), speakerphone, voice mail, voice commands and In Case of Emergency (ICE). Users can program the ICE button with three contacts that first responders can find in the event of an emergency.
Unique hybrid keypad with distinctive tactile contrast for greater ease in dialing and texting
Dedicated Hot Keys provide one-touch access to E911, ICE contacts, speakerphone, voicemail and voice commands
The large 2.2-inch QCIF home screen, coupled with larger text font, make viewing and using the phone that much easier
Send text messages with graphics, sound and quick phrase features to the mobile phones or email addresses of family and friends
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