Released for Cingular, the Motorola V190 brings new style and panache to everyday communications. The V190 strikes a balance between style, power, fun and affordability. An ideal mobile companion for the savvy professionals always on-the-go, its ergonomic form, unbeatable talk and standby times, vibrant color display, and MP3 ringtones make the V190 one of the best of the basics in a hassle-free, affordable and fun package.
GSM quad-band technology for communication around the globe
Compact design with a vibrant 65K-color internal display (128 x 160 px)
Outstanding talk and standby times provided by a powerful 1050 mAh Li-Ion battery
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), e-mail management, and Wireless Village instant messaging support
Conference calling with integrated hands-free speakerphone
J2ME MIDP 2.0 support for application, ringer, wallpaper, graphic and game downloads
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